Days of our lives...

GVJCC - Gary, Veron, Jasper, Chloe & Cadence. Happy Family - Mr. C the Chicken-Rice-Seller-Wannabe, Mrs. C, Master C & 2 Miss C

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


I will be blogging on:

1) Jasper's encounter with the gastric flu bugs & his stay at KK...

2) Jasper's latest developments...

3) Chloe's latest developments...

Maybe next week then I can find the time to blog again.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

"Days of our lives"

Just changed the title of this blog to Days of our lives... more apt right?

Little rascal is going to a child care centre... So that means more shopping to be done.

Just 2 days ago, we bought a water bottle, slipper (non-slip & those with a thong type) and some clothing for him. Returning home, first thing i show him was the pair of cute slippers. His eyes beamed and was so eager to put it on. I help him to wriggle the thong in between his 2 toes, and he seems perturbed by this act. However, within a few minutes, he is hopping and stamping his feet happily with the new sparkling thong slippers of his. And he has also learned to correct technique of wearing a thong slipper. And to think that i was worried he will have difficulties with walking in a pair of thong slippers... He really amaze me at times.

So the next day, off he goes to the child care. Mommy girl accompanied him, and he adapted easily since it is full of child play activities. The teacher even said he is smart, know how to play and amuse himself.

I must take leave this week to go and see for myself how much he is enjoying himself...

Saturday, March 12, 2005


Ok, let me try to recall what amazing things my little rascal has done...

1) when he learnt to open the door of the little tike car, slide into the seat and SWING the door closed, all in one smooth sleek action... I was so very amazed with the closing of the door after he slide into the seat, cos I never really taught him to do that. Dunno where he learn it from cos no one demostrated for him the proper sequence as no one else can fit into that little car except him...

2) Just a few days ago, he was threw my handphone onto the floor, dunno how forcefully he thew, it actually bounced once and landed under the sofa. I was not there, mommy girl told me. I did not inspect the phone as it was becoming normal for my phone to be drop/thrown by him. But a few hours later when I wanted to use the phone, I found that there are LINES across the top of the LCD screen. And i think the lines are getting thicker as the day goes by. I am still using the phone even though i have some difficulty reading SMSes, but still usable. I will be using his hong bao money to buy a new phone if the lines really spread until it becomes unreadable/unbearable, whichever come first. That phone is my first camera phone and it is less than 8 months old. My previous phone is a Nokia 3315 which i have used for more than 2 years, and it is very durable. It can withstand all the throwings from a little rascal and still function well, bearing a few dents on the covers.

And I think we are really spoiling him too much...

My very first time...

hmm... me first post in this new blog i have created, what should i write?

about myself?

about my work?

about PAP?

Ok, let me explain why i titled my blog to be GVJC, and no, it is not a new Junior College in Singapore. It stands for Gary, Veron, Jasper and Chloe. Gary is meself, Veron is me wife, Jasper is me 21 months old rascal, Chloe is me 9 weeks old princess (who is creating a mayhem during night-time, Colicky, medically termed. I think she is exercising her PRIVILLEGE as a Singaporean lady.)

I was inspired by Mr. Brown, who started blogging 8 yrs ago (so say him, not me) on SNE. What really make me decided to go blog online was the recent posts of his daughter - Faith, blogging with love and pride, documenting all the memorable, priceless and remarkable achievements Faith has made.

My own little 21 months old rascal have amazed us every now and then, so i hope to make use of this blog to capture some of these moments in writing lah, so it will not be lost when he mature into a fine young man. Plus I expect my little princess baby will also be giving us many pleasant surprises along the way, so i really wish that all these precious moments will not be lost along the way, I have really bad memories. Plus they can read my blog in future, to discover what loads of fun, laughter, stress and tears they have brought to us...
Days of our lives...