Days of our lives...

GVJCC - Gary, Veron, Jasper, Chloe & Cadence. Happy Family - Mr. C the Chicken-Rice-Seller-Wannabe, Mrs. C, Master C & 2 Miss C

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Siblings' Rivalry

Long time since I update this blog. But was super-duper busy with

1) Master C 3rd birthday party in childcare and at home.
2) Master C kena flu bug and was unwell for 2 weeks followed by Miss C for 2 weeks and then followed by myself for another 2 weeks...
3) Maid's performance getting sloppier as time passes. Mrs C reprimanded her one evening and at the end of the scolding, the maid said she want to quit and go home. Mrs C told her Ok but give her 1 night to consider and will ask her again tomorrow morning. The next day, the maid confirmed that she wished to go home. So now we are fully occupied again.

Master C is now 91 cm tall, take bus, MRT, see movie, all must pay already, luckily Miss C is only 75.5 cm tall. Both grew 1 cm taller.

This 2 rascal have started to demonstrate intense sibling's rivalry. Most of the time, Master C would be bullying Miss C, snatching toys from her, pushing her away and scolding her - "No-No!" which he learned from us. But Miss C did not go away quietly without a fight too. If she was not crying, she would show her displeasure to Master C. Mostly, she would give a loud "Hmph", with her hands by the side of her waist and sometimes further emphasize her displeasure by sticking out her tummy towards Master C.

But her ultimate revenge would come much later especially when Master C was at his most vulnerable state - tired and drowsy. Miss C would sneak up to Master C, when he was lying down hugging his bolster being pat to sleep. She would grabbed a bunch of his hair and PULLED HARD! Don't know where she learned it from cos no one does this to Master C or her, even Master C himself doesn't inflict such pain to her. So I concluded that it's actually due to natural inborn female instinct that when they fight, they must include the painful act of pulling hairs.

99% of the time, they are fighting. Of the 1% of the time that they are not fighting each other, Master C and Miss C would sit quietly munching biscuits or Master C would call Miss C softly "Mei-mei, you want to play with me?" or Miss C upon hearing the loud noise from airplane flying by, would quickly seek out Master C for the comforting hug and Master C would gladly and brotherly hugged her and comfort her until the loud noise subsided...
Days of our lives...