Days of our lives...

GVJCC - Gary, Veron, Jasper, Chloe & Cadence. Happy Family - Mr. C the Chicken-Rice-Seller-Wannabe, Mrs. C, Master C & 2 Miss C

Friday, September 16, 2005

Miss C new god-parents!

I mentioned before that Miss C wakes up crying several times a night previously. However, that behaviour of Miss C did not cease after a few nights, it continued for several months... Both Mrs C and myself were very much deprived of uninterrupted sleeps at night for so many months that I suspect confirmed we will be turning into walking zombies very soon.

We tried many methods - moving her cot to several positions, changing to Mamil Nite feed for her night feed, applying teething gel to lessen her teething pain we suspect was waking her up, even feeding her Paracetamol to lessen her teething pain that we suspect was waking her up. Not a single method worked.

And who do you turn to if modern sciences and techniques doesn't work? We MIL went to asked the deities located at Race Course Road. And to counter this night waking behaviour, we have to find Miss C a pair of god-parents, as liken in the olden days of giving the child away. And so we asked my brother and his wife for their 'eight characters' (the year, month, day of the month and hour of the birth) for the deities to see whether does it match against Miss C 'eight characters'.

And a good match it was, with further instructions given that on 8 am of the 8th day of the 8th month of the chinese lunar calendar we shall go together to pray to the Lord Tua Pek Kong and asked Lord Tua Pek Kong to witness their god-parenting ceremony.

8 am on a freaking sunny Sunday morning. Our only chance to sleeping in late to recoup the many lost hours of sleep for the whole week. And so we went, MIL prayed. And it better work miracle or I am gonna personally sent Miss C over to her new god-parents place to sleep in for the night!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Naps are so important!


The amount of sleeping time young Master C would require in a day is about 12 - 14 hours.

He normally sleeps at about 10 pm and wakes up at 6 am - 7 am. That would give him 8 - 9 hours of sleep. And in the afternoon, he will take a nap of about 3 - 4 hours. That would complete his (and OURS) much needed rest of 12 - 14 hours a day.

As for Master C, if u screw up his afternoon nap, u will turn him into a fussy wassy cry baby. I dun know about other people children, but for Master C the only way to ensure that his afternoon nap is not compromise, is to make sure he gets to sleep on his own mattress for 3 - 4 hours. Master C cannot take his 3 - 4 hours nap in the baby stroller cos he will start to stirred in 1 hour time. And if he can't flip and turn and somersort around, he cannot nap anymore. And if he did not get his full 3 - 4 hours nap, he will turn into a fussy wassy cry baby once the sun set. And if he turn into the fussy wassy cry baby, it is very frustrating for us as he becomes very unreasonable and extremely uncooperative.

And hence I swear that I am never gonna allow him to take his afternoon nap in the stroller or in our arms. For I so hate having to coax and pamper an unreasonable and uncooperative Master C...

Thursday, September 01, 2005

2 young girl missing since Sunday?

Update: The 2 sisters have been found. Seem like a rebellious case to me. The parents really need to spend more quality time with them before the 2 girls get into bigger trouble. TNP report here.


This morning saw a forwarded email from my friend, subject title was "2 girls were missing last sunday..." The 2 sisters, Sarah & Cory Lai, went missing since last Sunday. Since their photos were also also attached in the email, i guess it is not a hoax or sabotage case...

> Dear Friends
> My sister has lost two of her lovely daugthers last Sunday and we are
> very desperate to find them. therefore I decided to forward out the
> mail to
> all my friends and would appreciate that you can give us a helping hand.
> My nieces' details:
> Sarah Lai WanJun, 13 yrs old, about 160 cm.
> Cory Lai Kai Li, 8 yrs old, about 130cm.
> Pls forward out this mail with all the pictures attached and keep a
> look out if you have seen any of them.
> A million thanks to all.
> Regards
> Diddy Lim
> 96986990

Their pictures -

Cory, Diddy & Sarah

Cory, going 9yrs old



Days of our lives...