Days of our lives...

GVJCC - Gary, Veron, Jasper, Chloe & Cadence. Happy Family - Mr. C the Chicken-Rice-Seller-Wannabe, Mrs. C, Master C & 2 Miss C

Friday, August 21, 2009

Too fast too furious 3

Time flies... very fast when you are very busy. Been 1 year and 2 months since the last post where we announced the arrival of Cadence Chong.

Now, Cadence is 1 year and 2 months old. Chloe is 4 years and 8 months old and Jasper is 6 years and 2 months old.

Jasper is going to start Primary 1 next year and we had a nervous time registering for the choice of school. Not that we are kiasu and aimed for the best, in terms of academic achievements but it's actually an unproven one yet with a unique approach that is suitable for Jasper.

We have since discovered that Jasper is at mild risk of dyslexia - learning difficulties in words. He can read a simple sentence yet. Childcare recommended him a specialist for 1-to-1 tuition twice a week and it's costing us a bomb, about $600 monthly to be exact.

Put him into a swimming class as well when I suddenly realized that at age 5 last year, he is still playing in the waddling pool and doesn't know how to swim or know the danger of a deeper pool! 1 lesson he didn't realized the danger and swallowed a big mouth of water. After that, the next few lessons, I have to literally forced him to attend. Luckily managed to get him to conquer that phobia after 2 months and now half-a-year later he is enjoying swimming lessons alot.

And we went through a big scare during his birthday celebration at a condo swimming pool. He happily swam to the middle of a big pool with just his little Styrofoam water gun while i was on the way with his swimming board. When I arrived, i saw him panicking and started shouting for help! Without a moment hesitation, I jumped into the pool and carry him to the side. With my wallet, car remote control and relatively new Nokia E71...

And we also highly suspect that he has ADD where short attention span, difficulties in focusing and IMPULSIVENESS are common behavioural problems.

Started him on Mandarin classes too just to make sure he as a Chinese is at least able to understand and speak basic mandarin.

As for Chloe, started her on ballet since she is too young to go for swimming lessons in a group. Next year, she most probably start swimming lessons too.

Cadence has started to stand on 2 legs and may very soon want to learn to walk as well...

Realized that there is a lot developments on Jasper but quite little on Chloe & Cadence? Yes, we have been focusing too much on Jasper on 2 reasons - firstly, he is at the appropriate age to start learning more skills & knowledge and secondly, he has ADD and dyslexia...

From now on, have to pay more attention to Chloe on developing her interests and start teaching Cadence the correct values...

Till the next update...


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