Days of our lives...

GVJCC - Gary, Veron, Jasper, Chloe & Cadence. Happy Family - Mr. C the Chicken-Rice-Seller-Wannabe, Mrs. C, Master C & 2 Miss C

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

child abuse?

Last month, poor Miss C sprained/dislocated her left arm. It all happened while Mrs.. C and MIL brought Master C to the pediatrician one afternoon, as Master C was suffering from bronchitis.

After the consultation, they adjourned to a coffeeshop to have their dinner. And as usual, the 2 rascal active ones cannot sit still and the maid had to bring them to broadway to play.

However, it was not until the very night we discovered Miss C was not feeling well. She refused to "walk" even though it's her favourite activity at that time. She would wake up crying many times throughout the night. Only in the morning, while the maid was feeding Miss C, she discovered that Miss C was not using her left hand at all. Not even raising it up abit. We all thought that Miss C has sprained her arm while falling but upon question the maid, then she told us that while the 2 of them was playing at the broadway, Master C pulled Miss C by her arm.

To us, it was all too familiar a scenario again. When Master C was about 1 year old, he also sprained his left right one of his arms before. He was in the baby cot and fell while one of his arms was caught in between the slits. MIL later discovered that it was quite serious as he did not use his hand and not even able to lift it up at all. We brought him to KKH A&E and the male doctor very skillfully twisted (literally and in one single twisting action) his arm back into its original position.

This time Mrs. C and MIL brought Miss C to KKH A&E again. But the female doctor upon examining Miss C left arm, was very shocked. And after questioning Mrs. C on how did it happened, she sternly told Mrs. C that "it is very rough, you know". And the doctor proceed to get Mrs. C to hug Miss C tight while she twisted and turned Miss C arm back into position. I was not there but Mrs. C describes the twisting and turning to be unimaginable position. Miss C was giving the loudest and sharpest screams and cries that make every nurse in the A&E to peep at what's happening there.

What happen next was even more unimaginable. After healing Miss C, she immediately took Miss C from Mrs. C arms without a word and proceeds straight to a weighing machine to weigh her. But the doctor returned Miss C after that and told them to wait outside for 15 mins so she can assess her arm again. After that, they were discharged from there. Mrs. C said that the doctor attitude showed that she suspected that this was a CHILD ABUSE case.

Actually, even though we got a bit pissed that we got suspected of child abuse, we were glad that that doctor at KKH was alert to such possible child abuse signs and take action against such cases.

Miss C's development

Miss C has started to walk unassisted just last week.

This little lady has been trying to learn how to walk even before she knows how to crawl. Must be too eager to join her brother - Master C, after watching him running round the house. So since she was about 10 months old, we have being holding her up while she tries to "walk". She was not being given the baby-walker and we believe that what's prompt her master the art of walking at an earlier age than her brother.

As a girl, her speech development is also more advance. Her lexicon now includes Daddy, mummy, ah-ma, walk-walk, drop, pick, I wan, tu-tu (for pacific), ti (for auntie), shoes. Whereas Master C only knows how to call Ah-ma from 15 months till about 2 years old then he starts picking up other words.

Comments from Mrs C. - added on 10 March 06
"The other words Ms C knows include: dog, cat, lion, giraffe, pig, rabbit (bit), thank you(kut), etc..."
Days of our lives...