Days of our lives...

GVJCC - Gary, Veron, Jasper, Chloe & Cadence. Happy Family - Mr. C the Chicken-Rice-Seller-Wannabe, Mrs. C, Master C & 2 Miss C

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Must protect the family jewel

Went to pick up Mrs. C and Master C after work from the childcare center.

First thing Mrs. C did when they got into the car, was to tell me that Master C is not wearing any diapers. And then she again reminded Master C that he must inform us when he has the urged to she-she, lest he dirtied the car seat. The childcare teachers have suddenly decided that he is now able to control his she-she and hence started to let him go without any diapers AND ALSO WITHOUT PREPARING US IN ADVANCE.

My first thought was, can he really control his urge to she-she and forewarn us so we can hurrily bring him to a toilet to she-she? How about to poot-poot? Can he also control the poot-poot from passing out and forewarn us so we can rush him to the toilet?

Then another thought striked me, this little fellow is not wearing any briefs/underwears beneath his pants!!! Aiyoyo, what happen if his ku-ku-jiao kena kiap by something or knocked against the furnitures???

So we went a shopping for some boy briefs for him straight after dinner.

Must protect the family jewel, right?

Monday, May 29, 2006

You beat gor-gor/mei-mei, I beat you...

When we planned for these 2 rascals, we deliberately want them to be born within 2 years gap so the 2 of them can grow up together. I have a big age gap with my elder brother and younger sister - 4 years between me and my brother and 7 years between me and my sister, making it a big 11 years gap between my elder bro and youngest sis. So its natural that we did not share the same childhood as our developments lag behind each other far too much. We have no shared moments of playing together, getting punished together (more like the elder one getting punished for not taking care/teaching or bullying the younger one), no going through so-called "thin and thick".

But Mrs. C and her younger sister was born 19 months apart and they shared close sibling's ties as they literally grew up together. They were very close siblings till now, always thinking for each other and will go to great lengths to help each other. And this is what we wish our children to experience as well.

At first, it was Master C bullying mei-mei, snatching toys from her, deliberately pushing her, sometimes wrestle her to the floor (no joke). Miss C would have her share of fighting for toys with Master C, "beat-beat" her gor-gor when he angers her, but mostly "kuai-kuai bo bian" stared at her gor-gor snatching her toys from her hands. But recently, whenever we fiercely reprimanded gor-gor, the mei-mei would come "beat-beat" us. And whenever we scold mei-mei harshly, the gor-gor would raise his hand and come and hit us (physically and in fact, quite very the fiercely). It doesn't matter that they were fighting for toys just minutes ago.

No one taught them to fight stand up for each other. No one taught gor-gor that he must stand up for his mei-mei if someone bully her (cos at the moment we are the only ones who are bullying Miss C).

I think this is the bonding that we all hope for and hopefully they will stay this way and be there for one another whenever one of them is in need.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Must begin paying for bus, MRT & LRT fares

Master C now stands at a few millimeters above 90 cm... so technically speaking, he must pay the concessionary fare rates when taking the bus or Light Rapid Transit or Mass Rapid Transit, as stated in their websites.

Free Travel
For children up to 0.9 m in height and accompanied by a fare-paying

Concessionary travel without Concession Card
For children between 0.9 - 1.2m in height.

And must purchase a movie ticket for him if we are bringing him to watch a movie.

No more free rides or free movies and he is NOT YET 3 years old.

Actually, for bus, MRT & LRT rides, they don't really bother to verify that his height is only up to 90 cm, as so far we have not being stop at the gates/door for verification.

However, to ensure that Master C will not suffer any indignities of being stop from boarding the bus without paying or entering the MRT/LRT gates without a ticket, I think we should be getting him a child concessionary card.

Miss C's development - 17 months old

Miss C is walking all over the house now, and often tried to break into a run as and when she saw Master C running around the house. She has grown taller too but she is not as healthy weighing as we hope she will be. Update of her height and weight will be done once I measured the markings indicating her height on our wall. - height is measured at 74.5 cm

Her lexicon has increased tremendously too, able to articulate her intention well. Asking us to "open" for her the doors, bottles and boxes, "take" to indicate she wants to take the toys that she has "dropped", and especially good in "Don't want" and "I want tu-tu (pacifier)". Other words like airplane, elephant, dog, wov-wov, tiger, duck, bird, lion, car, shoes, uncle, milk... She will also respond to music by breaking into a dance er... bending forward and backwards with strong emphasis on the stomach movements and nodding of her head. If she heard a dog balking in the park below our flat, she will point to the window and asked to be carried up to have a look at the dog downstairs. If she heard footsteps on the corridors or ding-dongs of the lift beside our flat, she will walk straight to the metal gate and call out "Hello" and wave to the "uncles" & "tis" (aunties)...

But hor, she is still waking up at least once, sometimes twice, at night and nowadays she needs to be carried and walk around for a longer time. Cannot stop walking or sit down or she would cry out in protest and it takes at least 10 - 20 tries before I got lucky in placing her back into her crib. When then can we enjoy a good night sleep 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep???

Everything must be YELLOW

Since Master C favourite colour is YELLOW, given a choice everything he uses must be yellow in colour. If it is not available in yellow colour, he will either sulk and slowly start to tears or he will brawl out loud, depending on his moods.

When we attended the Mother's Day celebration in his childcare, we realize that Yellow also very much rules his arts and craft works. A portrait of a man, with strings pasted on as hair, was yellow and all the animals drawings done by him were also painted yellow.

I hope his obsession with Yellow doesn't last long or else our whole house will be full of Yellow stuff. Imagine him demanding all my fonts in the blogs must be YELLOW in colour. I'll go blind with all these striking yellow fonts! YELL _ OW!
Days of our lives...