Days of our lives...

GVJCC - Gary, Veron, Jasper, Chloe & Cadence. Happy Family - Mr. C the Chicken-Rice-Seller-Wannabe, Mrs. C, Master C & 2 Miss C

Monday, May 29, 2006

You beat gor-gor/mei-mei, I beat you...

When we planned for these 2 rascals, we deliberately want them to be born within 2 years gap so the 2 of them can grow up together. I have a big age gap with my elder brother and younger sister - 4 years between me and my brother and 7 years between me and my sister, making it a big 11 years gap between my elder bro and youngest sis. So its natural that we did not share the same childhood as our developments lag behind each other far too much. We have no shared moments of playing together, getting punished together (more like the elder one getting punished for not taking care/teaching or bullying the younger one), no going through so-called "thin and thick".

But Mrs. C and her younger sister was born 19 months apart and they shared close sibling's ties as they literally grew up together. They were very close siblings till now, always thinking for each other and will go to great lengths to help each other. And this is what we wish our children to experience as well.

At first, it was Master C bullying mei-mei, snatching toys from her, deliberately pushing her, sometimes wrestle her to the floor (no joke). Miss C would have her share of fighting for toys with Master C, "beat-beat" her gor-gor when he angers her, but mostly "kuai-kuai bo bian" stared at her gor-gor snatching her toys from her hands. But recently, whenever we fiercely reprimanded gor-gor, the mei-mei would come "beat-beat" us. And whenever we scold mei-mei harshly, the gor-gor would raise his hand and come and hit us (physically and in fact, quite very the fiercely). It doesn't matter that they were fighting for toys just minutes ago.

No one taught them to fight stand up for each other. No one taught gor-gor that he must stand up for his mei-mei if someone bully her (cos at the moment we are the only ones who are bullying Miss C).

I think this is the bonding that we all hope for and hopefully they will stay this way and be there for one another whenever one of them is in need.


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