First Movie - Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
On Tuesday night, Mr & Mrs. C brought Master C to his very first movie show.
It was a movie night - a recreational activity that was organized by Mrs. C's company and tickets were sold at a discounted price to staff members. The movie was Charlie and the chocolate factory. We thought that it would be a simple cartoon fairy tale that Master C is gonna enjoy much. Well, it turn out to be more suitable for adults who are in need of a little good old fairy tale with a happy-forever-ending. But Johnny Depp was good.
Master C was quite fascinated with his first experience of watching a movie shown on a big big screen in a dark dark cinema hall in Plaza Singapura. I was initially worried that he will not be able to sit still and stay quiet throughout the 2-hour movie. But I was amazed that he managed to sit comfortably on Mrs. C lap and enjoying some plain pop-corn before he got tired half-way through the movie and dozed off. I don't think he enjoyed the movie but at least I am assured that he is able to behave himself in a cinema.
Overall, it was a good outing. Except that Mr. C, who had only watch 1 or 2 movies ever since Master C was born 2 years and 2 months ago, shockingly discover that he can no longer sit for a 2-hour session without getting piles/haemorrhoids/hemorrhoids.
And suffering from piles are no joke, even the mildest form, for Master C work requires him to sit behind a desk typing and writing all day long.