Days of our lives...

GVJCC - Gary, Veron, Jasper, Chloe & Cadence. Happy Family - Mr. C the Chicken-Rice-Seller-Wannabe, Mrs. C, Master C & 2 Miss C

Thursday, August 18, 2005

First Movie - Charlie & The Chocolate Factory

On Tuesday night, Mr & Mrs. C brought Master C to his very first movie show.

It was a movie night - a recreational activity that was organized by Mrs. C's company and tickets were sold at a discounted price to staff members. The movie was Charlie and the chocolate factory. We thought that it would be a simple cartoon fairy tale that Master C is gonna enjoy much. Well, it turn out to be more suitable for adults who are in need of a little good old fairy tale with a happy-forever-ending. But Johnny Depp was good.

Master C was quite fascinated with his first experience of watching a movie shown on a big big screen in a dark dark cinema hall in Plaza Singapura. I was initially worried that he will not be able to sit still and stay quiet throughout the 2-hour movie. But I was amazed that he managed to sit comfortably on Mrs. C lap and enjoying some plain pop-corn before he got tired half-way through the movie and dozed off. I don't think he enjoyed the movie but at least I am assured that he is able to behave himself in a cinema.

Overall, it was a good outing. Except that Mr. C, who had only watch 1 or 2 movies ever since Master C was born 2 years and 2 months ago, shockingly discover that he can no longer sit for a 2-hour session without getting piles/haemorrhoids/hemorrhoids.

And suffering from piles are no joke, even the mildest form, for Master C work requires him to sit behind a desk typing and writing all day long.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

"Drink cold drinks later get cough again"?

Way before I became a father, I always hear my visiting relatives, friends & colleagues who would tell their children off when their children were being offered cold icy soft drinks.

"Aiyoh, u drink cold drinks again, wait later got cough then u know."

I always thought that 1 small glass of cold icy drinks can't be that potent to immediately make the children "get cough". I was wrong.

I never get to fully understand their Kiasuism/over protectiveness concerns until recently. Master C who is now 2 years and 2 months old love "ice" drinks. And after drinking those icy cold drinks, some only with 1 -2 cubes of ice added, he will "get cough" a few hours later. And it normally surface at night time when the weather is cooler. And coughing children doesn't sleep well at night cos their niggling coughs disrupt their peaceful and much needed energy reviving rests.

And so Master C will not get any more cold icy drinks as far as we can avoid, until he grows older and stronger.
Days of our lives...