Days of our lives...

GVJCC - Gary, Veron, Jasper, Chloe & Cadence. Happy Family - Mr. C the Chicken-Rice-Seller-Wannabe, Mrs. C, Master C & 2 Miss C

Thursday, August 18, 2005

First Movie - Charlie & The Chocolate Factory

On Tuesday night, Mr & Mrs. C brought Master C to his very first movie show.

It was a movie night - a recreational activity that was organized by Mrs. C's company and tickets were sold at a discounted price to staff members. The movie was Charlie and the chocolate factory. We thought that it would be a simple cartoon fairy tale that Master C is gonna enjoy much. Well, it turn out to be more suitable for adults who are in need of a little good old fairy tale with a happy-forever-ending. But Johnny Depp was good.

Master C was quite fascinated with his first experience of watching a movie shown on a big big screen in a dark dark cinema hall in Plaza Singapura. I was initially worried that he will not be able to sit still and stay quiet throughout the 2-hour movie. But I was amazed that he managed to sit comfortably on Mrs. C lap and enjoying some plain pop-corn before he got tired half-way through the movie and dozed off. I don't think he enjoyed the movie but at least I am assured that he is able to behave himself in a cinema.

Overall, it was a good outing. Except that Mr. C, who had only watch 1 or 2 movies ever since Master C was born 2 years and 2 months ago, shockingly discover that he can no longer sit for a 2-hour session without getting piles/haemorrhoids/hemorrhoids.

And suffering from piles are no joke, even the mildest form, for Master C work requires him to sit behind a desk typing and writing all day long.



  • At 2:04 pm, Blogger Unknown said…

    Good experience huh. Master C must be thinking why the TV is so BIG. :)

  • At 11:03 am, Blogger Videos by Professor Howdy said…

    We work like a horse.
    We eat like a pig.
    We like to play chicken.
    You can get someone's goat.
    We can be as slippery as a snake.
    We get dog tired.
    We can be as quiet as a mouse.
    We can be as quick as a cat.
    Some of us are as strong as an ox.
    People try to buffalo others.
    Some are as ugly as a toad.
    We can be as gentle as a lamb.
    Sometimes we are as happy as a lark.
    Some of us drink like a fish.
    We can be as proud as a peacock.
    A few of us are as hairy as a gorilla.
    You can get a frog in your throat.
    We can be a lone wolf.
    But I'm having a whale of a time!

    You have a riveting web log
    and undoubtedly must have
    atypical & quiescent potential
    for your intended readership.
    May I suggest that you do
    everything in your power to
    honor your encyclopedic/omniscient
    Designer/Architect as well
    as your revering audience.
    As soon as we acknowledge
    this Supreme Designer/Architect,
    Who has erected the beauteous
    fabric of the universe, our minds
    must necessarily be ravished with
    wonder at this infinate goodness,
    wisdom and power.

    Please remember to never
    restrict anyone's opportunities
    for ascertaining uninterrupted
    existence for their quintessence.

    There is a time for everything,
    a season for every activity
    under heaven. A time to be
    born and a time to die. A
    time to plant and a time to
    harvest. A time to kill and
    a time to heal. A time to
    tear down and a time to
    rebuild. A time to cry and
    a time to laugh. A time to
    grieve and a time to dance.
    A time to scatter stones
    and a time to gather stones.
    A time to embrace and a
    time to turn away. A time to
    search and a time to lose.
    A time to keep and a time to
    throw away. A time to tear
    and a time to mend. A time
    to be quiet and a time to
    speak up. A time to love
    and a time to hate. A time
    for war and a time for peace.

    Best wishes for continued ascendancy,
    Dr. Howdy

    P.S. One thing of which I am sure is
    that the common culture of my youth
    is gone for good. It was hollowed out
    by the rise of ethnic "identity politics,"
    then splintered beyond hope of repair
    by the emergence of the web-based
    technologies that so maximized and
    facilitated cultural choice as to make
    the broad-based offerings of the old
    mass media look bland and unchallenging
    by comparison."


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