Days of our lives...

GVJCC - Gary, Veron, Jasper, Chloe & Cadence. Happy Family - Mr. C the Chicken-Rice-Seller-Wannabe, Mrs. C, Master C & 2 Miss C

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Master C - 3 years 9 months old & Miss C - 2 years 2 months old

Time flies, from the last time I blogged about the 2 rascals, they have crossed many milestones in their developments.

Master C is quite a big boy now. He is way passed the terrible two & troublesome three stage. Now he understand when we tried to explain why he can't do certain things and why he can't always has he way.

But he still can't quit his reliance on his pacifier, however, he is not using it as often as before. So hopefully, but this year he can stop using it totally. And when he need to poot-poot, he still can't get used to doing it on the toilet bowl. The reason? The water will splash on his bottom when the poot-poot drop down... So he is still using the diapers to poot-poot.

Recently, Master C has graduated from the tricycle to the bicycle. MIL bought him a bicycle with those small training wheels at the back, and he doesn't need any conversion course to handle the bicycle.

And lately, he looks ready to forgo his afternoon nap. It takes him longer to fall asleep in the noon and even longer to fall asleep at night. And today, I have decided to let him skip his afternoon nap and see how long he can last till his night sleep. In the past, his eyes will closed automatically at about 5 - 6 pm when he skipped his nap time...

Finally, after 1 year plus, Master C had also fully adapted to his childcare environment and routine. And for the first time, during his childcare year end concert last Dec, he didn't get stage fright having to perform in front of a crowd. Well, seeing that your son able to dance and sing in front of a crowd is really something that would make you feel damn proud of. The worst thing, he still want to play with the toys & friends in the childcare and refused to leave with me when I reached the childcare to pick him up. Sometimes, we ended up being the last to leave!

Now Miss C is starting her terrible two stage. Full of nonsense, crying bouts and throwing of temper. Her language skill is much better than her brother, who can't speak well until 6 - 9 months in the childcare centre. Her vocabs is much better than her brother at this age and she can easily count from 1 - 10...

She is getting fiercer too, her brother mainly the victim of her ferocious hair-pulling and face-scratching tantrums... Yesterday, her brother kenna from her when she wanted to stop him from lying down on the kids sofa. She gave her a fierce scratch at his face and Master C ended up with big red scratches on the eyelid, nose and cheek.

And with this 2 rascals growing up, 1 fully self-reliance and another being less reliance on us for daily routines and care, now we are less tortured and able to eat, drink, bathe, go toilet without having to wait till their nap time!!!
Days of our lives...