Days of our lives...

GVJCC - Gary, Veron, Jasper, Chloe & Cadence. Happy Family - Mr. C the Chicken-Rice-Seller-Wannabe, Mrs. C, Master C & 2 Miss C

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sorry seems to be the hardest word to say

Many weeks ago, 1 evening, Master C got into his usual unreasonable self. He did not want to listen to our instructions, despite several reasoning and pleading by MIL (she always plead with the children to follow her instructions). As usual, I lashed out at Master C and he started crying and seek out MIL pampering/protection. MIL will tried to talk some sense into him but he will still refused to admit his mistakes and apologize.

And this time, considering that he was 3 years old and there is no way we can continue to tolerate his such unreasonable behaviours, I refused to let him go away without realizing his wrong doings. I wanted him to apologies to MIL as he has been hitting her back for rejecting his "demands". And then he was crying for a good 15 - 20 mins while in MIL laps and suddenly he uttered "I want Daddy to go down". And this had got my blood boiling. Master C has just ordered me to get out of the house and go downstairs.

After thinking of a way to discipline him, I immediately went up to Master C at MIL laps and let go of Miss C who were carried by me all the while. I carry him up, and despite his louder wailing, walk straight into his bedroom. I flicked on the lights, slammed the door shut and let him down on his mattress. He came straight up back at me, wailing to be let out. But I told him that he will stay in the room with me until he is willing to apologies to MIL. So he promised to do so and I led him out and went to the kitchen to look for MIL who went hiding there as she can't bear to hear Master C cry.

Unexpectedly, Master C upon seeing MIL, still refused to say sorry to her. I immediately grabbed him up, went straight back into his room, slam the door shut and put him on his mattress again. This time, Master C immediately came up to me and said that he wants to say sorry to MIL.

For many weeks after that, Master would listen to our instructions. But I guess kids are forgetful lots cos recently he has started to display some of his unreasonable and demanding self again...

I guess he needs another round of "lock me in the room" discipline again.

A typical day of Mr. C (without a maid)

6.30 am - Wakes up Supposed to wake up

7.00 am - Still trying to wake up

7.15 am - Wakes up (if not disturbed by Miss C at 2 am or 3 am or 4 am)

7.30 am - Normal wake up time

7.45 am - Rushes to get out of the flat, usually involve hurrying pacifying a grouchy Master C to hurry up.

8.00 am - Will reach Mrs. C's workplace & Master C's childcare centre if we can succeed in waking up at 7.00 am and leaving the house at 7.30 am

8.30 am - Reach Mrs. C's workplace & Master C's childcare centre

8.45 am - Reach my office (official start work time is 8.00 am) late again

8.45 am - 5.30 pm - Work, smoke-break, work, lunch (includes shopping for biscuits, milk powder, diapers, baby wipes), work, smoke-break, work

6.00 pm - Pick up Master C (& sometimes Mrs. C) from the childcare centre

6.15 pm - Still trying to get Master C to stop playing and get out of the childcare centre

7.00 pm - Reach home

7.15 pm - Feeding Master C (& sometimes Miss C together) dinner packed from foodcourt/hawker centre

8.00 pm - Finish feeding. Master C will have his daily routine "poot-poot"ritual, not before he request to put on diapers. He still can't shit into a potty yet.

8.15 pm - Shout at Master C to go and have his backside wash

8.30 pm - Bath myself and eat dinner

9.00 pm - Play with Master C and Miss C/Carry Miss C around and occasionally shout at Master C to stop jumping up and down. Tried to sneak some time to read the newspaper or watch some TV programmes in between

10.00 pm - Pack them off to bed

10.30 pm - Still trying to get Master C to go to bed

11.00 pm - Finally Master C is asleep. Now got to pat Miss C to sleep.

11.30 pm - Finally Miss C is asleep too. Now got to wash their plates/cutlery/pacifiers/milk bottles/cups. After washing, got to pack away their toys that are lying around all over the house

12.00 midnight - Sleep

2.00 am - Wakes up to pacify a crying Miss C and feed her milk

3.00 am - Wakes up to pacify a crying Miss C and feed her milk, if she has not already wakes up at 2.00 am

4.00 am - Wakes up to pacify a crying Miss C and feed her milk, if she have not already wakes up at 2.00 am or 3.00 am

6.30 am - Supposed to wake up again
Days of our lives...