Days of our lives...

GVJCC - Gary, Veron, Jasper, Chloe & Cadence. Happy Family - Mr. C the Chicken-Rice-Seller-Wannabe, Mrs. C, Master C & 2 Miss C

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

the food courts where toddler high chairs are readily avail one

Yup, another uniqueness of the 2 new towns/estates.

Except in the Banquet food court.

the baby walker

I was reading Lancerlord blog and saw a picture of lancerkid in the walker

When Master C was born, we read up alot on baby developments and dangers to avoid. While comtemplating to get a baby walker for him, I surfed the net for cheap and good (yah, like typical singaporeans...). I also found that baby walker are potential hazards. So I was dead against getting a baby walker and had an arguement with Mrs C about it. Cos MIL was taking care of super-duper-hyperactive Master C and cannot tahan whole day running about chasing him, especially during feeding time. So in the end I give in, not before making sure that MIL will be supervising closely when Master C is in the baby walker.

And after we had the baby walker, it gave us the first hand experience of the potential hazards of a baby in a walker. So even though we removed all potential dangers that he is able to lay his tiny hands upon while zooming around in the walker, there are still uncontrollable hazards, like

1) tendancy to topple over.

2) crushing his own hands which are placed on the outer rim of the protector/barrier of the walker, when he cannot stop the walker from banging against coffee tables and walls.

So I again persuaded them to use the walker sparingly. Which later MIL only use it when she need to trap Master C in a fixed area while she force-feed him.

Also when Master C is learning to walk, we realised that he has a tendacy to kick backwards with his legs. We reckon it is due to the use of the baby walker where he learned to kick backwards to move himself around.

Danger of using the baby walker - extract from KKH Child Safety website section

Baby walkers have been responsible for many injuries and deaths in children as:

. Babies in walkers move faster and reach higher than are appropriate for their age, putting them at risk of injuries

. Babies in walkers cannot see where they are going or what they are running over well

. Walkers tip over easily

. With the `aid `of walkers, toddlers can run into hidden dangers, bump into furniture, pull on hanging appliance cords, topple over, and fall down stairs

Plus the baby walker was officially banned in Canada. Not even re-sale of second hands are allowed.

Government of Canada's immediate prohibition of the sale, advertisement and importation of baby walkers in Canada.

And many are calling for the ban of baby walker

Women's Health Advisor 2003.2: The Dangers of Baby Walkers

Should baby-walkers be stopped in their tracks?

I dun think I will wan Miss C to be using the baby walker.

Friday, May 20, 2005

the Terrible Twos!

When we were expecting Master C, we received many advices from relatives, friends, colleagues, aquaintances on how to care for babies, what to do and what not to do.

BUT no one ever warned us about the "terrible twos" stage...

They Don't Call it the Terrible Twos for Nothing - Source from Malcolm's Web - Resources for Parents of Babies & Toddlers.

Sometime around the 2nd year, your toddler will hit the “terrible twos.” - Robyn's Nest TM The Parenting Network.

Terrible Twos and Your Toddler -

I hope terrible twos means that it occurs when a child is about 2 years old for a while AND DOESN'T last the entire period of a child 2nd year. Because we still have a younger Miss C.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

the 1 + 1 = 3! equation

When does 1 + 1 = 3?

1 toddler boy + 1 infant girl = TRIPLE headaches to the 3 adults taking care of this 2 precious...

Master C is 23 months old and this is the age where he starts to be UNREASONABLE, i.e. testing the limit. And being a boy, he is very mischievous plus he doesn't like to play/have fun alone.

Miss C is 4 months old and at this age, all she can do if she needs to communicate to us is to CRY OUT LOUD. Being a girl, she is extremely fussy and hence little bit of noises will awake her and she will sound her displeasure by CRYING OUT LOUD.

Their age are close and it is carefully planned by Mrs. C. As I wish my children to not have too big an age gap so they can have a common childhood. Grow up together, play the same games together, go to the same school together, enter adulthood together.

But hor, we did not anticipate the extreme chaotic lifestyle of having 2 young and small children. Both needed round the clock attention. Luckily we started Master C child care programme, so in the daytime, Master C is being taken care of by the child care teachers while MIL take cares of Miss C at home. But during weekends, 3 adults - Me, Mrs. C & MIL must rotate to take care of Master C & Miss C cos 2 person must be with them all the time so 1 will take turn to eat, drink, shit, pee, bathe. Household chores, the basic ones like dumping the clothes into the washing machine and press buttons, ironing office wears, sweeping floor (only when it becomes unbearable), washing eating utensils, washing of milk bottles, are quickly done when both of them are napping or sleeping.

Now we have the maid to share the duties and hopefully this maid (3rd maid in 5 months time) is better than the previous 2. We seriously need someone to clean up the house while we busy ourselves attending to Master C and Miss C...

the Difference between boy and girl

How Master C and Miss C behave when they are infant - to be updated...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

1, 2, 3 & 4

Several things to blog about:

1) 1 + 1 = 3!!!

2) Master C and this little girl called Emily

3) Master C's god-mother 1 & god-mother 2 in childcare

4) Master C new's lexicon

But hor, at the moment, time no enough...

Where have you gone to?

Our dog, Hugo - a white clean shaven 7 yrs old Maltese, has decided to leave us to follow his ex-owner home on 2 May 05 about 3 pm.

Yesterday, his ex-owner and family came a visit but hastily retreat back home as their 6-month-old-but-already-wearing-XL-size-diapers daughter VOICED her dislike of our place. Then along with all the chaotic-and-fanantic-sudden-retreat by them, Hugo decided to tag along with his ex-owner into the lift. Mrs. C saw it and shouted for him to come back. MIL said she saw Hugo came back in, but after 30 mins or an hour, we suddenly realised Hugo is not in the house when SIL commented she did not see Hugo from the moment she arrived (after the ex-owner left).

Walked all over the estates, entire block, and ex-owner even came driving around the estate to help to search for him but to no avail. Given up the search after almost 2 hours of searching. End up emailing SPCA & posting flyers at each block in the estate.

He suffers chronic fits/seizure attacks and requires daily medication to keep the condition under control.

Came thru ex-owner Left because of ex-owner....

The Hand, The Foot and The Mouth Diease?!?!

Yesterday, Mrs. C discovered that Master C got 2 ulcers in his mouth... then today i came across Mr. Lancerlord's blogging on his Lancerlad's encounter with the HFMD. And so I google-searched on HFMD and found this on Singapore Health Promotion Board website:



• fever

• sore throat

• ulcers in the throat, mouth and tongue

• headache

• a rash with vesicles (small blisters-- 3-7 mm) on hands, feet and diaper area. The vesicles are typically on the palm side of the hands the sole side of the feet and very characteristic in appearance.

• loss of appetite

So with the sudden & unexplainable ulcers appearing in Master C's mouth, it make us worry whether is it...

shit, got to monitor him more closely now.
Days of our lives...