Days of our lives...

GVJCC - Gary, Veron, Jasper, Chloe & Cadence. Happy Family - Mr. C the Chicken-Rice-Seller-Wannabe, Mrs. C, Master C & 2 Miss C

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Hand, The Foot and The Mouth Disease - Kena-ed!

Last time, we only heard of it, but now Master C and Miss C kena it.

Master C caught the dreadful HFMD disease from Childcare and passed it to Miss C. It was quite a horrible experience.

Master C got it from his childcare and a visit to A&E at KKH confirmed it. He had to stay at home for 1 week! Our next immediate concern was Miss C and we had to immediately evacuate her and MIL to Mrs C's sister home. But alas, she had ulcers and blisters showing up a few day later too.

Mrs C cannot take leave from work as it was the peak period then so it was left with me and Master C for the whole of the week. 2 of us staying home most of the time and I was down with flu as well. Master C was not eating well as the ulcers in his mouth hurts even when he drinks. But we need not resort to ice or ice-cream treats as he is still feeding well with soup noodles or rice.

Night sleeping time was the worst part. Master C has been sleeping with MIL since he was a baby, and suddenly MIL was not there at night sleeping beside him. I had to explain that MIL was sick (she was also suffering from exhaustion as Miss C could not adapt to SIL place and cling on to MIL for 24 hours) and had to be away. He woke up almost every 1 - 2 hours crying for her and so he woke up for 4 - 5 times every night. Other than that, surprisingly, he was quite well behaved and would obediently follow my instructions.

Miss C, on the other hand, was torturing MIL at SIL place. She was unable to adapt to the new place and would cling onto MIL all the time - even at night. There was no way SIL or her husband could trick her away for MIL to rest. On the 3rd day there, MIL almost fainted and she had to push herself while sitting on the floor to the phone to call Mrs. C and SIL for help!

And just about that time, Miss C had ulcers and blisters popping out and thus she came back home on the 5th day too. It took almost 10 days for them to recover fully. The childcare was mandate to close as well as there are more than 7 cases of HFM, most of them in Master C age-group. Miss C had it worst, she keep saying: "pain-pain" while pointing to her mouth. The blisters on their hands and feet was not those very big but just little red dots that looked more like rashes.

The only consolation from this ordeal was that they would now have immunity to this strain of HFM disease.


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